Event Number: This is a unique number automatically assigned to the event. For participants responding to a page or voicemail, this is the event code that they will need to enter.
Event Name: If you wish to name the event for easy identification, you may enter a name of you own choosing. The name is only used for reporting purposes.
Notification Type: Select either Express Notification or Standard Notification. You must select one of the two options.
Express Notification implies that getting the message out is more important than verifying that the correct person was reached. Express Notification does not require any input from the person called (beyond just answering the phone), but also is unable to determine if the person who answered understands the message or even if it is a person (it might be voicemail).
Standard Notification implies that it is important that the correct person be reached. The person must have some minimal training so that they will be able to enter their primary notification number when called. If the primary notification number is not entered, the message will not be played.
Interval: The number of minutes to wait between attempts to contact a participant. The minimum is 2 minutes. Longer intervals allow more time for paticipants to respond to pages. Longer intervals also allow for a greater likelyhood that a condition that prevented the participant from being contacted will have been resolved (more attempts can also have the same effect).
Maximum Attempts: The maximum number of times the system will attempt to contact a participant. This is a cap that overrides the attempt counts in a list.
For example, if a participant has been setup to have 3 attempts at their primary number and 3 attempts at their secondary number, setting the maximum attempts to 2 will cause the system to call the primary number twice and then stop (assuming the first attempt did not contact them). If the maximum attempts is set to 10, then the participant will be called 3 times at the primary number, followed by 3 times at the secondary number.
Quota: For standard notification, setting a quota will cause the event to close once the requested number of participants have entered that they will be responding.
Due to the broadcast nature of the contact attempts, it is possible that more than the quota of participants will be contacted. For example, if quota=1 and the event has 100 participants, all 100 participant will be called at the same time, lets say that 50 participants answer the phone on the first call, all 50 will be listening to the event message at the same time, so all 50 will have the opportunity to press 1 to indicate that they will be responding. However, since at least one participant is now responding, a second contact attempt will not be made.
Lists: The event participants come from one or more lists. You must add at least one list before starting the event. If more than one list is added, the event will contain the members of all the lists, with the exception that if members of two different lists have the same primary notification number, only the member from the first list added will be included in the event.
Report Fax#: The fax number where the event report will be sent, along with the type of report to send.
None | No report will be sent. You must use the online event tools to determine the status of the event. |
Confirmation | A report will be sent when the event first starts listing the names and numbers of all the event participants. The report is generated before any contact attempts have been made, so no information about the status of the participant is known or reported. |
Periodic | A report is sent at each attempt interval until the event is closed. The report lists the current status of all the event participants throughout the event, and a final report is sent when the event closes with the final status of each participant. The first report is generated at the end of the first interval, so if interval = 10, then the first periodic report is sent 10 minutes after the event was started. |
Summary | A report is sent after the event is closed. The report lists the final status for all the event participants. |
Event Message: Select '00 Custom Recording' to upload a new event message in the next step. Of if you have a pre-recorded message, select the message to use for this event.
Schedule Event: Allows the scheduling of events up to 1 week in advance. The default is 'Now', which means there will be no delay in starting your event. If you need to have the event started at a later time (for example, a late night test), you can select the day of the week, the hour of the day, and what part of the hour call. All times are set in CST/CDT (GMT-6/-5). The time you choose will be displayed on the confirmation page.
Start button:
Clicking on
will save the event setup information and bring
you to either a custom message upload page or the event start confirmation
page. If any information is missing, you will be informed of the missing
data and will need to return to this page to complete the setup.