Name: Clicking on the event name will bring up a page with the events details. If the event is active, you may wish to refresh the detail page to stay current with the event. The detail page also includes an option to stop the event if it active.
To the left of the event name is a icon that will download the audio
message for the event.
The audio is in .wav file format and your computer must have software
installed for playing .wav files plus a sound card and speakers so you
can hear it play.
All versions of Microsoft Windows come with a tool to play .wav files.
Status: The status for the event will either be opened or closed. Open events are still in progress. Viewing the detail of an open event allows you to track the progress of the event. Closed events can not be changed. Viewing the detail of a closed event provides the final status.
Started On: This is the date and time that the event was started. Be aware that it is reported in CST/CDT, so if you are not in the central timezone, you will need to make adjustments to get your local time.
Eastern - Add 1 hour (2:30 PM CST = 3:30 PM EST)
Pacific - Subtract 2 hours (2:30 PM CST = 12:30 PM PST)